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Patient Portal Update

Dear myCare iMedicWare User,

We are writing to inform you that your practice will be migrating to our leading cloud platform Amazon Web Services (AWS) on the weekend of 11/20/2020. The actual go-live will be the following Monday. PLEASE NOTE: This date has been scheduled in advance and the date of migration cannot be revised. It is important to review all your patient data and system functionality 48 hours prior to the migration and reach out to the support team with any missing information/functionality issues to ensure prompt resolution. We have created a list of functionalities to test during this process, please find the guide here.

During the migration, you will not have access to your current site as our team will complete a full backup of your data, this will be copied from the current hosting partner to the new hosting partner. We are asking that you please drop to paper during this time and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

This project will encompass three phases. The first is the migration of your current server environment to its new location. The second phase will be to update your site to R8 V2.01. The last and final phase will be to move your database within AWS to a platform that will enhance performance and allow for optimal use, during this final stage we will also be updating your site to the latest version of R8 that is available. The date for this final stage will be provided in a follow-up email in the future.

Below is the new URL for your myCare iMedicWare products:

Patient Portal (activated on the day of go-live): If applicable ASC/ioLink will be available for testing ONE week prior to go live.

We request that you create a shortcut for this URL before the migration takes place, as this will aid in a smooth transition for all users on all workstations. To create a desktop shortcut, please review the step-by-step guide. Please forward this email to any IT department members to ensure that your computers will be set up properly after this change. NOTE: If your practice has DICOM configured equipment, please have your IT department gather/map the following information: IP address: Phase 1: Phase 2:

AE Titles

Port Number(s):

Please refer to the provided QUICK GUIDE on how to configure the machine or refer to the DICOM equipment’s vendor guide. Every diagnostic machine is different in the set-up procedures, so we request that you refer to the diagnostic manual per device.

Phase 2 for your practice will be updated on 12/4/2020, this will update your practice to version, R8 V2.01. The actual go-live will be the following Monday. As this update can take the full weekend, we again ask that you please drop to paper during this time This will prevent the practice from having any functionality or saving issues during this time. Please note that if for any reason there are complications, we will delay the update by 1 week. If you have not done so already, please review the provided release notes to learn all new features and functions that myCare iMedicware has to offer.


The myCare iMedicWare Team and Kirk Eye Center

732-817-9475, option 6 or [email protected]

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