About Our River Forest Location
At our main location in River Forest, IL, our team specializes in providing a full range of eye care services to improve your sight. When you visit our premier facility, you will find convenient, on-site parking, and we welcome you to make yourself at home in our spacious, comfortable reception area. We are equipped with top-of-the-line equipment to address many vision concerns, including glaucoma and cataracts, as well as laser vision correction. We also offer a large selection of frames and lenses for every style and budget at our on-site optical center. Adjacent to our main facility, our AAAHC-accredited ambulatory surgery center allows our surgeons to provide same-day outpatient surgical care while utilizing the highest safety standards.
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Driving Directions
We are located minutes from Downtown Oak Park, three blocks west of the Harlem and Lake St. intersection and right across from the River Forest Jewel/Osco.
Our River Forest location is conveniently located on the CTA's Green Line at the Harlem/Lake stop and near the Oak Park Metra stop.
Kirk Eye Center Reviews
Great overall experience with my Lasik procedure for both my eyes. Dr. Kirk & the staff were fantastic throughout the entire process. I'm so pumped that I don't have to wear contacts or glasses ever again!
This is absolutely no exaggeration. Dr Tyler Kirk saved my right eye. He is the reason I have vision in that eye. I will be a Kirk Eye Center customer for life!
I've been a Kirk patient since I was a kid-- my dad has been a patient of theirs for even longer. I had moved away, but have returned to help my parents. I always thought of them as completely trustworthy, but recently they performed magic for me. TLDR: Hiral Patel gave me the best prescription I've had in almost two decades and Viviana Cano eased my anxiety over switching back to contact lenses after almost three decades of wearing only glasses. Now, all the extra details. Last year, my vision was so bad that I applied for blind disability. My mom and dad insisted that I come home and go to Kirk for a definitive evaluation. Five hours into the appointment, my future was bleak. The final recommendation, a week later, was surgery. My parents were totally ready and willing to pay for it, but I hate spending their money and put it off put if off put it off. I'm going to skip the specifics on the stuff about the bad diabetic protocol prescribed by my primary and how ! ginned up the courage to change my own insulin dosage and how that probably saved my life and jump right to the day when a friend told me that her eyes didn't track together and she didn't see in stereo but wearing hard lenses gave her real vision for several hours a day. I immediately thought "let's get me over to Kirk and ask them about this." I was almost too shy to make the appointment, but the possibility of being able to drive again was too seductive. I called and set the time. I got there an hour early. David and I sat in the parking lot eating precut watermelon from Jewel (same plaza.) I was nervous. Doctor Patel strutted to the lobby to grab me for my examination and I was immediately filled with confidence. Anyone with that much personal security must be great at their job. I was not disappointed. "I want this to work," I offered. She smiled quickly and told me "remember to blink." I'm drowning you in minutiae. Let me bring this to a 10/10 conclusion: my vision is now corrected to 20/20 (I can read a sign from three blocks away!) and the lenses correct my astigmatism and keep my eyes in line. Now: Viviana. When I asked her to take a selfie that she liked (for me to use in this review) she didn't immediately understand that it was to praise and appreciate her. She's extremely deserving of both. I came in two days after my miracle exam, not sure if I had successfully removed the acuvue daily lens from my right eye. She took a peek and confirmed that it was out, and placed an order for some more trial lenses so that I could make sure it was the right fit for me. I came in again today with both lenses still in and significant anxiety over that fact. Today, Viviana removed the lenses and gave me a comforting tutorial that I think might help (and then listened patiently and socially awkward me gave her an unsolicited lesson on trafficking of vulnerable groups in rural areas that flowed from my rant against Loyola facepalm. Patient and kind and so helpful! Thank you.
Exceptional. Friendly receptionists. Excellent medical assistants who are friendly and thorough. Had cataract surgery which I had dreaded, but the doctors and nurses were calming; thoughtful and professional. The surgery was fast and I now need no glasses after 70 years! Do need readers! My family has been going to the Kirk Eye Center for 43 plus years, and I can’t say I ever had a bad experience…can’t say that about many other places.
Just got lasik here. Minimal discomfort and already seeing 20/20 after taking a brief nap the day of!
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Our Providers
Scott Kirk, MD
Ophthalmologist in River Forest, IL
7427 Lake St

Kent Kirk, MD
Ophthalmologist in River Forest, IL
7427 Lake St

Tyler Kirk, MD
Ophthalmologist in River Forest, IL
7427 Lake St

Carter Kirk, MD
Ophthalmologist in River Forest, IL
7427 Lake St

Dean Bauer, OD
Optometrist in River Forest, IL
7427 Lake St

Hiral Patel, OD
Ophthalmologist in River Forest, IL
7427 Lake St

Ready to get started?
Contact Us
7427 Lake St,
River Forest, IL 60305
8:00 AM
-5:00 PM
8:00 AM
-5:00 PM
8:00 AM
-1:00 PM
8:00 AM
-5:00 PM
8:00 AM
-1:00 PM
Optical Department
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM