Learn About the Benefits of TearCare® for Dry Eye Syndrome
Carter Kirk, MD
Dry eyes are a common problem, and they can lead to redness, discomfort, and even vision problems when left untreated. Fortunately, state-of-the-art options are available to help manage and relieve dry eye syndrome. Our professionals at Kirk Eye Center may recommend TearCare to restore comfort to your everyday life.
TearCare is a 15-minute in-office procedure that administers gentle heat to the meibomian glands (the glands that produce the oily layer of tears) to remove blockages and stimulate tear production. Learn more about this advanced dry eye treatment by booking an appointment in River Forest, Glen Ellyn, Gurnee, or Chicago, IL. We're proud to provide patients with the latest and most effective solutions. possible
Do you have dry eye syndrome?
Dry eye syndrome occurs when there is a lack of quality tears to lubricate the eyes. It can be caused by natural aging, certain medications, environmental factors, and lifestyle habits. The following dry eye symptoms may indicate the need for treatment:
- Stinging or burning sensation in the eyes
- Excessive tearing followed by periods of dryness
- Sensitivity to light
- Red and irritated eyes
- Blurred vision
When left untreated, dry eye syndrome leads to serious complications such as corneal damage and even vision loss. It's important to seek help from a trusted professional at the first signs of concern.
What about over-the-counter eye drops for dry eye symptoms?
While drugstore eye drops are available to manage dry eyes, they do not address the root cause of dry eye syndrome. TearCare is a longer-lasting solution because it unblocks the meibomian glands and promotes better tear production. Instead of temporary relief, TearCare offers long-term benefits for your eyes in River Forest, Glen Ellyn, Gurnee, and Chicago, IL.
How does TearCare work?
TearCare is a noninvasive procedure that uses controlled heat to loosen blockages in the meibomian glands. By gently heating the eyelids, TearCare encourages the production of quality tears and improves overall eye comfort. Best of all, the entire procedure can be done in the comfort of our office in just 15 minutes.
What are the other benefits of TearCare?
There are many reasons our patients are choosing TearCare as their preferred dry eye treatment. Benefits include:
- Quick and convenient process
- No prescription medications needed
- No downtime or recovery period involved
- Long-lasting results
During a TearCare consultation, our team will perform a thorough evaluation and discuss your options. If we believe this is the right way to move forward, our specialists provide detailed instructions on how to prepare for the procedure and what to expect during and after your appointment.
Is TearCare painful?
During a TearCare session at Kirk Eye Center, your eye care professional will place a small device over your eyelids. The device generally feels warm and soothing, and patients are able to blink and close their eyes throughout the procedure. It is not considered painful. Rest assured that we are fully trained in administering this dry eye treatment and can ensure a successful experience.
Take control of your dry eyes with TearCare
Don't let dry eye symptoms interfere with your daily life. Contact Kirk Eye Center to book a consultation and learn more about TearCare. Our experienced team of eye care professionals will evaluate your needs and provide personalized treatment options for managing dry eyes. We proudly help patients in River Forest, Glen Ellyn, Gurnee, and Chicago, IL, achieve optimal eye health and comfort.
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