How is Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery Different From Traditional?
Scott Kirk, MD
Cataracts normally develop as a sign of aging. This progressive clouding of your eye lens can lead to vision loss or even blindness when not treated.
Cataract surgery is necessary to maintain or restore your eyesight in the Chicago area. If you need cataract surgery in River Forest or Gurnee, IL, most practices offer you two choices regarding the procedure, including laser-assisted cataract surgery and traditional surgery. The board-certified ophthalmologists at Kirk Eye Center can help you make the best decisions for your vision goals and lifestyle when you come in for a consultation at our clinic.
Do you have cloudy vision?
Cataracts are a common eye condition that causes blurry or cloudy vision, glare from driving at night, and frequent prescription changes. Since lenses with cataracts are too cloudy to see through, it needs to be removed and replaced with an intraocular lens (IOL). These lenses are a permanent solution to cataracts because they cannot develop cloudy spots in the future. Patients with issues like nearsightedness and farsightedness can even choose custom IOLs for vision correction.
Laser-assisted and traditional cataract surgery
Traditional cataract surgery requires a professional to make small incisions by hand to remove the cloudy or hazy lens. The artificial lens is then introduced through the incision. Candidates for this treatment are in good health and have moderate to severe cataracts. Patients will undergo an eye examination before being recommended for traditional cataract surgery.
Laser-assisted cataract surgery uses special software. This technology calculates the length and depth of the cataract for precise targeting. A femtosecond laser then carefully breaks the cataract into pieces. Patients do not have to rely on hand-made incisions. Once the cataract is disintegrated through laser eye surgery, we insert the intraocular lens.
The benefits of laser eye surgery
Common side effects with traditional cataract surgery include some discomfort, blurry vision, and the feeling of an itchy or gritty eye. Kirk Eye Center offers a laser-assisted approach that comes with many different advantages. First, our laser is far more precise than an incision done by hand. Recovery is also smoother because this treatment is considered bladeless. Other benefits of a laser procedure in River Forest or Gurnee, IL include:
High precision
Easy cataract removal
Faster recovery times
When should I have cataract surgery?
Some men and women have cataracts for years before noticing symptoms. Cataract removal is needed when your vision loss is significant enough to interfere with your everyday activities. If you cannot read, drive, or watch television from across the room without difficulty, it may be time to have surgery. Kirk Eye Center can evaluate your symptoms and make suggestions based on your needs and symptoms.
Treat cloudy vision and improve your eyesight
Are you still wondering whether to treat cataracts through laser eye surgery or traditional procedures? If you are interested in learning more about Kirk Eye Center and the treatments we offer, contact a member of our team for a consultation in River Forest or Gurnee, IL. Our board-certified ophthalmologists can replace your cloudy lens with an intraocular lens for clear vision once again. Our team is dedicated to helping you make the best decision for your eye health.
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