How Important Is Eye Protection in the Workplace?
Scott Kirk, MD
Did you know that nearly 20,000 workers suffer from job-related eye injuries every year? According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, these injuries often require professional medical treatment and time off from work. The good news is that many of them can be prevented with proper eye protection.
March is Workplace Eye Wellness Awareness Month, and our professionals at Kirk Eye Center are here to help you stay safe and healthy on the job. Call now for an eye exam in River Forest, Glen Ellyn, Gurnee, or Chicago, IL. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive care for all our patients.
Who is at risk for job-related eye injuries?
Many people are at risk for job-related eye injuries, but some workers are more vulnerable than others. Some high-risk occupations include construction, manufacturing, mining, carpentry, and auto repair. However, even office workers who spend hours looking at computer screens can have eye strain and other related issues. It is essential for workers to take precautions and protect their eyes while on the job.
How can you prevent job-related eye injuries?
There are many ways to protect your vision during Workplace Eye Wellness Awareness Month and throughout the year:
- Wear appropriate eye protection: Depending on your occupation, you may need to wear safety glasses, goggles, or a face shield to protect your eyes from hazards like flying debris.
- Make sure your eyewear fits properly: Ill-fitting eye protection can be as dangerous as not wearing it. Choose eyewear that fits snugly and comfortably, and remember to replace eyewear if it becomes damaged or worn out.
- Follow proper safety protocols: Many job-related eye injuries occur due to a lack of following protocols. Always adhere to the proper procedures and use caution when handling hazardous materials or equipment.
- Take breaks from screens: If you spend a lot of time in front of a computer, take frequent breaks and look away from your screen to reduce eye strain. You can also adjust lighting and font size to make your eyes more comfortable.
- Get regular eye exams: Regular eye exams at Kirk Eye Center are crucial for maintaining healthy vision and detecting potential issues early. Our eye doctors can also recommend specialized eyewear or protective lenses if needed.
What happens during an eye exam?
During an eye exam in River Forest, Glen Ellyn, Gurnee, or Chicago, IL, our experienced doctors will evaluate your eye health and check for signs of vision problems or eye diseases. This may include a series of tests such as visual acuity, depth perception, and peripheral vision. We also examine the interior and exterior structures of your eyes to look for abnormalities.
If you have a specific concern related to your job or occupational hazards, be sure to let your eye doctor know. They can provide personalized recommendations for protecting and maintaining your vision while on the job.
Stay safe and healthy during Workplace Eye Wellness Awareness Month
Employers and employees alike can take the necessary steps to prevent job-related eye injuries and promote overall eye wellness in the workplace. Remember to wear appropriate eye protection, follow safety protocols, and get regular eye exams at Kirk Eye Center for optimal vision health. Call now to schedule an appointment in River Forest, Glen Ellyn, Gurnee, or Chicago, IL. Together, we can work toward a better workplace for all.
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