Can Cataracts Come Back After Cataract Surgery?
Scott Kirk, MD
If your vision seems cloudy or hazy, you may have a common eye condition called cataracts. During cataract surgery in Chicago, an ophthalmologist removes the cloudy lens and replaces it with an artificial one. This is known as an intraocular lens, or IOL. After the procedure is over, patients can enjoy clear eyesight once again.
Cataract surgery is life-changing for people who want to return to daily activities without cloudy vision. The professionals at Kirk Eye Center work hard to educate patients about the process. So can cataracts come back after surgery? The short answer is no. However, you may have some side effects after surgery. Learn more by calling our offices in River Forest or Gurnee, IL for a cataract consultation.
Who should get cataract surgery?
Cataracts are age-related and usually affect individuals over 50. It is also possible to have cataracts at a younger age. The main symptom of cataracts is cloudy vision, but it can also include sensitivity to light and glare, seeing halos around lights, and frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescription. When symptoms appear, it is important to visit an experienced ophthalmologist.
For minor cases of cataracts, Kirk Eye Center may recommend a new prescription in addition to having better lighting at home. Eventually, patients will require cataract surgery to replace the cloudy lens. At our clinic, we perform the procedure using advanced laser technologies and techniques. Our lasers create precise incisions to significantly minimize your chances for complications.
How your vision is affected after cataract surgery
The healing period normally ranges from 1 – 2 months. Some side effects are normal after cataract surgery in Chicago. This may include blurry or hazy vision. Kirk Eye Center can help by giving you post-surgical instructions, so you know what to expect. We will also give you prescription eye drops so you can feel more comfortable.
It is very important that you take time to rest and do not scratch or rub your eyes during recovery. Scratching may increase your risk for complications, such as infection. Other recovery tips include:
Limit strenuous activity
Protect yourself from irritants, like dust
Do not go swimming in a chlorinated pool
Take all prescriptions as instructed
Can cataracts come back?
Many people are thrilled to have clearer vision after laser cataract surgery. So, can cataracts come back? As we mentioned, cataracts cannot return after the procedure is over. This is because your new lens is artificial and cannot develop cataracts. Patients should keep in mind, however, that the natural capsule left behind may become cloudy in the future. This can cause your vision to become dim or hazy again. The good news is that this can be corrected with an additional procedure. During your initial assessment, your ophthalmologist can explain the likelihood of this happening.
Treat cloudy vision
Most people develop cataracts at some point. It can be frustrating or even difficult to perform daily activities. Thanks to state-of-the-art medical technology and talented professionals, cataracts do not have to lead to cloudy vision forever. The experts at Kirk Eye Center can perform advanced cataract surgery in Chicago. Visit our offices in River Forest or Gurnee, IL, to get your personalized assessment and learn more about your cataract options.
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