Can Cataracts Cause Nearsighted Vision?
Scott Kirk, MD
There's arguably almost no greater global threat to eyesight than cataracts, the world's foremost cause of blindness. Unlike other conditions, the development of cataracts cannot be prevented. It's an age-related disorder that typically begins during one's 40s. As the tissues of the eye deteriorate with age, degraded proteins in the lens clump together and cloud the lens.
With less light able to pass through and reach the retina, individuals with cataracts gradually lose their sight. This problem does not go away with time, and it's in one's interest to receive a diagnosis and plan any potential treatments as soon as possible.
And Chicago area residents can protect their eye health and visual acuity by reaching out to our ophthalmological team at Kirk Eye Center in Chicago, River Forest, and Gurnee, IL.
Can cataracts cause nearsighted vision?
Cataracts can cause nearsighted vision in some cases. According to the Mayo Clinic, those that form in the center of the lens (nuclear cataracts) may cause nearsightedness in patients. An even odder condition may occur, in which patients may actually notice improvements in the near vision, such as when reading.
This is sometimes called "second sight," and is a paradoxical effect of cataracts, which can boost an individual's visual acuity at close ranges when the cataracts are developing. However, it is not permanent and is not a solution for those suffering from nearsightedness.
So, to help yourself have a greater chance of enjoying an ideal outcome, seek professional treatment with our experienced team in the Chicago area. Because as cataracts continue developing, they cause progressive vision loss. And if left untreated, total blindness can result as light can no longer penetrate the severely clouded lens.
How are cataracts treated?
Thankfully, a relatively simple, safe, and exceptionally efficient treatment exists. Traditional and laser cataract surgery can yield life-changing results by restoring patients' vision and ocular health. Whichever ends up being an optimal choice for you, rest assured knowing that cataract surgery is the most performed procedure in the U.S., and has been fine-tuned over the decades.
It only requires a few steps. We begin by carefully making an incision on the cornea to access the deeper lens of the eye. Then, we fragment the clouded lens to remove cataracts. We suction out the broken down lens and cataracts before inserting a synthetic intraocular lens, or IOL, to restore crisper, more vibrant vision.
Guard your sight and eye health with treatment strategies at Kirk Eye Center
Cataracts must be treated to help patients regain the clearer, more vivid vision they enjoyed before the clouding of the lens. Seeing the world clearly again can give you the advantage you need to excel at and enjoy life. To explore your options, we invite Chicago residents to contact us or pay us a visit at one of our practices in Chicago River Forest or Gurnee, IL.
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