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River Forest, IL | What to Expect on the Day of LASIK Surgery | Kirk Eye Center

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Speaker 1: What we do on the day of surgery is we encourage people to come in with a driver because the procedure itself is really quite quick. Each step of the procedure's short. There is preparation time in terms of preparing them for each step. They're in our office for about an hour and a half on the day of surgery. We encourage them to get a ride home because things are quite blurry on the first day afterwards. They will experience dryness, grittiness, a little tearing in the eyes for four to six hours.

By later that evening, most people actually go out and enjoy dinner. They'll go watch a movie, watch TV. And by the next morning, most people see well enough to drive themselves in for their first day postoperative visit. I really find most people are in the 20/20 range the first day afterwards. The only restrictions we give to people after laser vision correction is that we encourage them not to engage in activities where they might get some kind of trauma or irritation to the eye. But going back to normal daily activities, work, exercising, those sorts of things can be done even as quickly as the next day after surgery.