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River Forest, IL | Femto Laser For Cataract Surgery | Kirk Eye Center

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Scott Kirk: We offer Femto Cataract Laser Surgery now, which has been a great advance in the improvement in care of cataract patients. The Femto Laser makes very precise incisions into the cornea and in treating the lens. We're able to then reduce the energy taken to remove the cataract. This offers us a very reproducible incision. It's safer for the patient in removing the cataract and gives us a more reliable platform to put the implant. This is important because we're trying to improve people's vision, often without the need for glasses. This in combination to the advanced implants that we have, are now allowing us to use bifocal implants with great precision and toric implants, which correct astigmatism. This is allowing many of our patients to see very well without the use of glasses.